Baby Red Nose and Cheeks Cold Vs Allergies
Seasonal Allergies in Babies and Toddlers
Medically Reviewed by Marvin Resmovits, M.D.
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on October 16, 2020
Think your little one might be suffering from allergies due to pollen, grass, dust or mold? Here how to pinpoint the cause and minimize the symptoms.
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Your child's runny nose hasn't let up for weeks, she's sneezing up a storm and she can't seem to stop rubbing her watery, red, itchy eyes. Instead of a cold, your little one could be suffering from seasonal allergies (aka seasonal allergic rhinitis).
Lots of children — even very young kids — are allergic to seasonal pollen as well as dust, mold and pet dander. In fact, an estimated 10 to 20 percent of kids develop allergies at some point in their lives. Here are allergy symptoms in babies and toddlers to watch out for, along with tips to manage symptoms.
Can babies have seasonal allergies?
Allergies to inhaled substances (pollen, mold, pet dander and dust mites) are rare among infants in their first year.
Babies are much more likely to experience allergies to foods and eczema, especially if you have a family history of allergies, asthma, hay fever or eczema.
When do seasonal allergies develop in babies?
It's uncommon for babies to have seasonal allergies in the first year. That said, it's possible for allergy symptoms to begin at any age.
Kids tend to develop seasonal allergies between the ages of 3 and 5, with most young allergy sufferers noticing symptoms by the time they're 10. Some kids develop allergies as young as 1 or 2 years old, although usually they're reacting to indoor allergens like dust, mold or pet dander.
What causes seasonal allergies in babies and toddlers?
Seasonal allergy symptoms usually occur during spring, summer and fall. Depending on where you live, the seasons and specific plants causing allergies vary. Unfortunately, no region of the United States is completely untouched by allergy triggers.
When your little one inhales one (or more) of the following seasonal allergens, her immune system churns out antibodies that jumpstart the release of a protein called histamine, which causes allergy symptoms:
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- Spring allergies (typically March to May or June): Tree pollen. The most common culptrits — cedar, birch, oak, maple and pine — are found in most parts of the U.S. The farther south you live, the earlier the season usually starts.
- Late spring to summer allergies (typically April to June or July): Grass pollen. Grasses, including Bermuda, orchard, brome, rye and Timothy, are more likely to produce symptoms in late spring and early summer in the northern states, but are always problematic in the South, since grasses there pollinate year-round.
- Late summer to fall allergies (typically August to September or October): Weed pollen (usually ragweed but also plantain, nettle, chenopod or sage). Ragweed grows in nearly every climate and is the biggest source of hay fever symptoms.
Allergy symptoms in babies and toddlers
A child with allergies may have any or all of the following symptoms:
- Dark under-eye circles
- Itchiness that causes her to rub her nose and/or eyes
- Watery, red or puffy eyes
- Frequent mouth breathing
- Sneezing
- A hacking, dry cough that produces clear mucus
- Wheezing
- Irritability, restlessness or excessive fatigue
She may also complain about:
- An itchy, runny or stuffy nose
- Itchy eyes, skin, throat or roof of the mouth
- Trouble sleeping
- Shortness of breath or tightness in the chest (get a professional opinion right away if your child tells you this to rule out more serious causes)
- Headache
- Itchy ear canals
If the same symptoms occur around the same time every spring, summer or fall, it may be a sign that your child's body is reacting to outdoor allergens. If you or your partner have a family history of allergies, there's a good chance your little one is predisposed to those seasonal sneezes and sniffles, too.
Allergies vs. colds in babies and toddlers
Colds and allergies in babies and toddlers are actually pretty hard to tell apart. Both can cause runny noses, sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, congestion and headache.
So how do you distinguish cold symptoms vs. allergies? Take this quick test:
- How would you describe the consistency and color of your little one's mucus?
- Watery and clear
- Thick, cloudy and discolored
- How would you characterize the cough?
- Dry
- Wet
- How do your child's eyes look?
- Itchy and/or watery
- Just fine
- Does your child have a fever?
- No
- Yes
If you answered mostly "2," your child likely has a cold or other respiratory infection. If most of your answers were "1," you might be dealing with an allergy.
There are a few other telltale signs that help you to differentiate cold symptoms vs. allergies:
- Your child's age. Seasonal allergies are very rare in kids under 1, who are more likely to suffer from eczema or food allergies. Although most cases of seasonal allergies crop up between the ages of 3 and 5 years old, some little ones begin to suffer from allergies as young as 1 or 2 years old (although usually triggered by indoor allergens like dust, pet dander and mold) .
- The duration of symptoms. With colds, symptoms are the worst for the first few days after onset and gradually ease up, going away within a couple of weeks. But if symptoms last for several weeks or even months, it's more likely an allergy.
- Family history of allergies. If one parent has allergies, your child has a 25 percent chance of having them. If both parents have allergies, those odds jump to 60 or 70 percent. To find out if your little one truly has allergies (and to determine what she's allergic to), consider heading to an allergist to get her tested.
- There's a bug going around your family or playgroup. If her symptoms are similar to her playmates', there's a good chance she's been hit by the same virus.
If your child's symptoms have been going on for a while, are getting more severe (or at least aren't getting milder) and/or are causing other things like moodiness, fatigue, headaches and general discomfort, make an appointment with the pediatrician. That way you'll be sure to get a proper diagnosis of whether your child has a cold or allergies, along with recommendations for kid-safe medications or treatments.
Can a child have a fever with allergies?
Allergies don't directly cause fever. If your little one has a fever, it's a sign of an infection like a cold, ear infection or sinus infection.
Keep in mind, many people confuse seasonal allergies (rhinitis) with a sinus infection (sinusitis). While they may be linked, they're actually two different conditions:
- Seasonal allergies are an inflammation of the nasal passages that's caused by allergens like pollen and grass.
- A sinus infection often starts as a cold and turns into a bacterial infection, although allergies can also cause sinusitis. Aside from fever, other sinusitis symptoms may include thick, discolored nasal discharge; pain and tenderness around the nose, cheeks, eyes or forehead; nasal congestion and inflammation; and achiness in the jaw.
Can seasonal allergies cause diarrhea in babies?
Seasonal allergies don't cause diarrhea in babies. But diarrhea can be a symptom of food allergies or intolerances to foods like eggs, peanuts, wheat or soy.
Tips to relieve seasonal allergy symptoms in babies and toddlers
Allergy symptoms are no fun for kids, and if left untreated, they can lead to sinus and ear infections. See an allergist, who can figure out the triggers causing your little one's symptoms and recommend effective and safe treatments.
In the meantime, the best way to relieve sneezing, itching, runny nose and coughing in babies and toddlers is to try to avoid allergens (or minimize exposure) whenever possible.
Here are a few tips to prevent and relieve seasonal allergy symptoms:
- Keep windows closed and turn on the air conditioner to keep pollen out of your home.
- Replace the filters in your furnace and air conditioning vents as directed by the manufacturer.
- Clean your home regularly to control allergens: Dust frequently, wash beds linens weekly in hot water, use a vacuum that has a HEPA filter and consider removing drapery and carpeting that may trap allergens.
- Be mindful of local pollen counts and try to limit outdoor activities on days when it's high.
- Get your family in the habit of taking their shoes off when they come inside to reduce the pollen tracked inside.
- Shower or bathe your little ones as soon as they come inside at the end of the day to remove pollen particles in their hair and clothes.
- Wash clothes (including jackets and other outerwear) regularly to remove pollen
- Put clothes and sheets in the dryer instead of hanging them outside to dry.
- Bathe your dog once a week, since his fur can pick up pollen.
- If your child has severely red, itchy, watery eyes (known as allergic conjunctivitis), doctors may recommend that she wear wrap goggles anytime she goes outside to keep the pollen out of her eyes.
What allergy medicines are safe for babies and toddlers?
Your doctor may recommend child-safe OTC or prescription antihistamines and/or prescribe nasal sprays in certain cases to reduce the allergic response and/or swelling. Allergy shots may be given too, but usually not until a child is a little older.
Year-round allergies in babies and toddlers
Does your toddler have allergy symptoms no matter the season? Pets, dust or mold could be to blame.
Pet allergies
Dander (dead skin cells) is the most common cause for pet allergies, but urine and saliva can also cause an allergic reaction. Cats tend to cause more allergies than dogs, but all types of furry and feathered creatures can trigger symptoms.
For many families where allergies are a problem, the safest pets are those that don't have fur or produce dander, including fish, reptiles and turtles.
If you own a pet and your child has a suspected or confirmed animal allergy:
- Try to keep your pet and your child in different rooms, and discourage your kids from petting or hugging your animals.
- Get rid of wall-to-wall carpets if you can.
- Use a heating or air-conditioning filter. If you have forced air conditioning or heating, get a central air cleaner and try to use it for at least four hours every day.
- Vacuum often, preferably using a HEPA (high efficiency particulate arresting) filter.
- In severe cases, the only solution may be to find your pet another home.
Dust allergies
It isn't the dust that triggers allergy symptoms in most people — it's dust mites. These microscopic creatures live in bedding, carpets, upholstery, mattresses and curtains and feed off of dead human skin cells in dust. They appear in all almost every home and may be inhaled, unseen, by everyone in your family.
For most people that's not a problem, but it can mean misery for someone who's allergic to these pests. If you suspect or have confirmed that your baby or toddler is allergic to dust, take a few extra precautions:
- Use blankets and pillows made with synthetic materials, which are less likely to trap dust.
- Replace pillows every two to three years.
- Wash blankets and sheets every two to three weeks in hot water and dry on hot.
- Dust often with a specially treated dust cloth or damp cloth, damp-mop floors and thoroughly vacuum often, if possible with a HEPA filter.
- Avoid carpeting, heavy draperies, chenille bedspreads and other dust catchers in rooms where your little one sleeps and plays.
- Wash stuffed toys and blankets or comforters frequently in hot water. Or you can also put soft toys in the freezer for at least five hours once a week to kill dust mites, then rinse and toss in the dryer.
- Wash throw rugs or other items at least twice a month, or pack them away.
- Dust mites need humidity to survive, so avoid humidifiers and vaporizers. Use a dehumidifier, if necessary, to keep your home below 50 percent humidity.
- Sheathe mattresses and pillows in air-tight casings (crib mattresses usually come with airtight covers) if you can.
- Put filters over forced-air vents, and install a central air cleaner, if feasible.
- Check with your child's allergist for suggestions on safe sprays or powders that can be used to kill mites in your carpeting and upholstery.
Mold allergies
Mold grows inside and outside throughout the U.S. Outdoor mold spores travel through the air, just like pollen. Mold can also grow year-round indoors in damp areas like your basement, your bathroom or underneath your kitchen sink.
Your child is most likely to have mold allergies from July to early fall. But in some areas of the country, it's possible to suffer from symptoms year-round. Indoor mold also causes year-round symptoms.
For a suspected or confirmed mold allergy, try the following tips:
- Control moisture in your home by using a well-maintained dehumidifier, and aim to keep humidity at below 45 percent and ideally under 35 percent.
- If you use a humidifier in your child's room during the winter, keep humidity at 30 to 40 percent and clean the machine daily to prevent mold growth.
- Provide adequate ventilation and use an exhaust fan vented to the outside to get rid of steam from the kitchen, laundry and baths.
- Areas where molds are likely to grow (garbage cans, refrigerators, shower curtains, bathroom tiles, damp corners) should be cleaned meticulously and frequently. You can make a solution using one-part bleach to 10-parts water, or use an anti-mold household cleaner.
- Add a mold-inhibitor to paint whenever you're painting walls.
- Avoid leaving wet or damp clothes, shoes and towels lying around, especially if they're crumpled or piled up and unable to dry properly.
- Limit houseplants and dried flowers to rooms where your child doesn't spend a lot of time, and don't overwater them.
- Store firewood outside the house.
- Keep live Christmas trees in the house for a limited time or decorate an artificial tree instead.
- Make sure that the outside drainage around your house or building is good and that leaves and other plant debris aren't building up.
- Repair plumbing leaks quickly.
- Clean the garbage cans (especially those in the kitchen) often.
- Clean the rubber seal in front-load washing machines and leave it cracked open when you're not using it.
From the What to Expect editorial team and Heidi Murkoff, author ofWhat to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading our medical review and editorial policy.
- What to Expect the Second Year, Heidi Murkoff.
- What to Expect the First Year, 3rd edition, Heidi Murkoff.
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- Food and Drug Administration, Allergy Relief for Your Child, June 2017.
- American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Mold Allergy, April 2018.
- American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Allergic Rhinitis, June 2020.
- American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Sinus Infection, 2014.
- American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Seasonal Allergies, December 2017.
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- American Academy of Pediatrics, Caring for Your Child's Cold and Flu, April 2019.
- American Academy of Pediatrics, Using Over-The-Counter Medicines With Your Child, July 2015.
- American Academy of Pediatrics, When Pets Are the Problem, November 2015.
- American Academy of Pediatrics, AAP Allergy Tips, October 2017.
- Mayo Clinic, Chronic Sinusitis, June 2019.
- National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Sinusitis, October 2016.
- American Academy of Pediatrics, Is It Allergies or a Cold?, November 2015.
- American Academy of Pediatrics, Hay Fever Triggers: Tips for Parents, April 2018.
- American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus, Allergic Conjunctivitis, April 2020.
- American Lung Association, Dust Mites, July 2020.
- Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, Mold Allergies, October 2015.
- National Health System, Allergic Rhinitis Complications, April 2019.
Baby Red Nose and Cheeks Cold Vs Allergies
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