How to Design a Radar Using Processing

Radar (SONAR) Using Processing 3

Radar (SONAR) Using Processing 3

We are using an ultrasound sensor that emits a signal and takes a reading which is displayed on screen using Processing 3.

  • bluetooth
  • home automation
  • rc car
  • robotics
  • 30 respects

Components and supplies

About this project

Idea : We are using an ultrasound sensor which emits a signal through the trigger pin and takes in the reflected wave from the echo pin.Hence by using the speed of sound, calculate the distance of an object from the sensor. Servo motor rotates the sensor through 180 degrees to cover the area.Once we have the information, we produce it using Processing 3.

Connections :


  • Arduino IDE Code
  • Processing 3 Code
Arduino IDE CodeC/C++
                                                              #include                      <Servo.h>                                                                                                                            const                      int                      trigPin                      =                      12                      ;                                                              const                      int                      echoPin                      =                      11                      ;                                                                                                      long                      duration                      ;                                                              int                      distance                      ;                                                                                                      Servo                      s1                      ;                                                                                                      void                      setup                      ()                      {                                                                                                      Serial                      .                      begin                      (                      9600                      );                                                              pinMode                      (                      trigPin                      ,                      OUTPUT                      );                                                              pinMode                      (                      echoPin                      ,                      INPUT                      );                                                                                                      s1                      .                      attach                      (                      9                      );                                                              }                                                                                                      void                      loop                      ()                                                              {                                                              for                      (                      int                      i                      =                      15                      ;                      i                      <=                      165                      ;                      i                      ++                      ){                      // rotates the servo motor from 15 to 165 degrees                                                              s1                      .                      write                      (                      i                      );                                                              delay                      (                      30                      );                                                              distance                      =                      calDist                      ();                                                                                                      Serial                      .                      print                      (                      i                      );                      // Sends the current degree into the Serial Port                                                              Serial                      .                      print                      (                      ","                      );                      // Sends addition character right next to the previous value needed later in the Processing IDE for indexing                                                              Serial                      .                      print                      (                      distance                      );                      // Sends the distance value into the Serial Port                                                              Serial                      .                      print                      (                      "."                      );                      // Sends addition character right next to the previous value needed later in the Processing IDE for indexing                                                              }                                                                                                      for                      (                      int                      i                      =                      165                      ;                      i                      >                      15                      ;                      i                      --                      ){                                                              s1                      .                      write                      (                      i                      );                                                              delay                      (                      30                      );                                                              distance                      =                      calDist                      ();                                                              Serial                      .                      print                      (                      i                      );                                                              Serial                      .                      print                      (                      ","                      );                                                              Serial                      .                      print                      (                      distance                      );                                                              Serial                      .                      print                      (                      "."                      );                                                              }                                                                                                      }                                                                                                      int                      calDist                      ()                                                              {                                                              digitalWrite                      (                      trigPin                      ,                      LOW                      );                                                              delayMicroseconds                      (                      2                      );                                                              // Sets the trigPin on HIGH state for 10 micro seconds                                                              digitalWrite                      (                      trigPin                      ,                      HIGH                      );                                                              delayMicroseconds                      (                      10                      );                                                              digitalWrite                      (                      trigPin                      ,                      LOW                      );                                                              // Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds                                                              duration                      =                      pulseIn                      (                      echoPin                      ,                      HIGH                      );                                                              // Calculating the distance                                                              distance                      =                      duration                      *                      0.034                      /                      2                      ;                      // Range : 2cm to 400 cm                                                                                                      return                      distance                      ;                                                              }                                      
Processing 3 Code C/C++
                                                              import                      processing                      .                      serial                      .                      *                      ;                      // imports library for serial communication                                                                                                      Serial                      myPort                      ;                      // defines Object for Serial                                                                                                      String                      ang                      =                      ""                      ;                                                              String                      distance                      =                      ""                      ;                                                              String                      data                      =                      ""                      ;                                                                                                      int                      angle                      ,                      dist                      ;                                                                                                      void                      setup                      ()                      {                                                                                                      size                      (                      1200                      ,                      700                      );                                                                                                      myPort                      =                      new                      Serial                      (                      this                      ,                      "COM4"                      ,                      9600                      );                      // starts the serial communication                                                              myPort                      .                      bufferUntil                      (                      '.'                      );                      // reads the data from the serial port up to the character '.' before calling serialEvent                                                                                                      background                      (                      0                      );                                                              }                                                                                                      void                      draw                      ()                      {                                                                                                      //for the blur effect                                                              fill                      (                      0                      ,                      5                      );                      //colour,opacity                                                              noStroke                      ();                                                              rect                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,                      width                      ,                      height                      *                      0.93                      );                                                                                                      noStroke                      ();                                                              fill                      (                      0                      ,                      255                      );                                                              rect                      (                      0                      ,                      height                      *                      0.93                      ,                      width                      ,                      height                      );                      // so that the text having angle and distance doesnt blur out                                                                                                                                              drawRadar                      ();                                                              drawLine                      ();                                                              drawObject                      ();                                                              drawText                      ();                                                              }                                                                                                                                              void                      serialEvent                      (                      Serial                      myPort                      )                      {                      // starts reading data from the Serial Port                                                              // reads the data from the Serial Port up to the character '.' and puts it into the String variable "data".                                                              data                      =                      myPort                      .                      readStringUntil                      (                      '.'                      );                                                              data                      =                      data                      .                      substring                      (                      0                      ,                      data                      .                      length                      ()                      -                      1                      );                                                                                                      int                      index1                      =                      data                      .                      indexOf                      (                      ","                      );                                                              ang                      =                      data                      .                      substring                      (                      0                      ,                      index1                      );                                                              distance                      =                      data                      .                      substring                      (                      index1                      +                      1                      ,                      data                      .                      length                      ());                                                                                                      angle                      =                      int                      (                      ang                      );                                                              dist                      =                      int                      (                      distance                      );                                                              System                      .                      out                      .                      println                      (                      angle                      );                                                              }                                                                                                      void                      drawRadar                      ()                                                              {                                                              pushMatrix                      ();                                                              noFill                      ();                                                              stroke                      (                      10                      ,                      255                      ,                      10                      );                      //green                                                              strokeWeight                      (                      3                      );                                                                                                      translate                      (                      width                      /                      2                      ,                      height                      -                      height                      *                      0.06                      );                                                                                                      line                      (                      -                      width                      /                      2                      ,                      0                      ,                      width                      /                      2                      ,                      0                      );                                                                                                      arc                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      width                      *                      0.5                      ),(                      width                      *                      0.5                      ),                      PI                      ,                      TWO_PI                      );                                                              arc                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      width                      *                      0.25                      ),(                      width                      *                      0.25                      ),                      PI                      ,                      TWO_PI                      );                                                              arc                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      width                      *                      0.75                      ),(                      width                      *                      0.75                      ),                      PI                      ,                      TWO_PI                      );                                                              arc                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      width                      *                      0.95                      ),(                      width                      *                      0.95                      ),                      PI                      ,                      TWO_PI                      );                                                                                                      line                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      30                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      30                      )));                                                              line                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      60                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      60                      )));                                                              line                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      90                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      90                      )));                                                              line                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      120                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      120                      )));                                                              line                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      150                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      150                      )));                                                                                                      stroke                      (                      175                      ,                      255                      ,                      175                      );                                                              strokeWeight                      (                      1                      );                                                              line                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      15                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      15                      )));                                                              line                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      45                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      45                      )));                                                              line                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      75                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      75                      )));                                                              line                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      105                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      105                      )));                                                              line                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      135                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      135                      )));                                                              line                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      165                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      165                      )));                                                                                                      popMatrix                      ();                                                              }                                                                                                      void                      drawLine                      ()                      {                                                                                                      pushMatrix                      ();                                                                                                      strokeWeight                      (                      9                      );                                                              stroke                      (                      0                      ,                      255                      ,                      0                      );                                                              translate                      (                      width                      /                      2                      ,                      height                      -                      height                      *                      0.06                      );                                                                                                      line                      (                      0                      ,                      0                      ,(                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      angle                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      angle                      )));                                                                                                                                              popMatrix                      ();                                                                                                      }                                                                                                                                              void                      drawObject                      ()                      {                                                                                                      pushMatrix                      ();                                                                                                      strokeWeight                      (                      9                      );                                                              stroke                      (                      255                      ,                      0                      ,                      0                      );                                                              translate                      (                      width                      /                      2                      ,                      height                      -                      height                      *                      0.06                      );                                                                                                      float                      pixleDist                      =                      (                      dist                      /                      40.0                      )                      *                      (                      width                      /                      2.0                      );                      // covers the distance from the sensor from cm to pixels                                                              float                      pd                      =                      (                      width                      /                      2                      )                      -                      pixleDist                      ;                                                                                                                                              float                      x                      =-                      pixleDist                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      angle                      ));                                                              float                      y                      =-                      pixleDist                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      angle                      ));                                                                                                      if                      (                      dist                      <=                      40                      )                      // limiting the range to 40 cms                                                              {                                                              //line(0,0,pixleDist,0);                                                                                    line                      (                      -                      x                      ,                      y                      ,                      -                      x                      +                      (                      pd                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      angle                      ))),                      y                      -                      (                      pd                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      angle                      ))));                                                              }                                                              popMatrix                      ();                                                              }                                                                                                      void                      drawText                      ()                                                              {                                                              pushMatrix                      ();                                                                                                      fill                      (                      100                      ,                      200                      ,                      255                      );                                                              textSize                      (                      25                      );                                                                                                      text                      (                      "10cm"                      ,(                      width                      /                      2                      )                      +                      (                      width                      *                      0.115                      ),                      height                      *                      0.93                      );                                                              text                      (                      "20cm"                      ,(                      width                      /                      2                      )                      +                      (                      width                      *                      0.24                      ),                      height                      *                      0.93                      );                                                              text                      (                      "30cm"                      ,(                      width                      /                      2                      )                      +                      (                      width                      *                      0.365                      ),                      height                      *                      0.93                      );                                                              text                      (                      "40cm"                      ,(                      width                      /                      2                      )                      +                      (                      width                      *                      0.45                      ),                      height                      *                      0.93                      );                                                                                                      textSize                      (                      40                      );                                                              text                      (                      "YAinnoware"                      ,                      width                      *                      0.08                      ,                      height                      *                      0.99                      );                                                              text                      (                      "Angle :"                      +                      angle                      ,                      width                      *                      0.45                      ,                      height                      *                      0.99                      );                                                                                                      if                      (                      dist                      <=                      40                      )                      {                                                              text                      (                      "Distance :"                      +                      dist                      ,                      width                      *                      0.7                      ,                      height                      *                      0.99                      );                                                              }                                                                                                      translate                      (                      width                      /                      2                      ,                      height                      -                      height                      *                      0.06                      );                                                              textSize                      (                      25                      );                                                                                                      text                      (                      " 30°"                      ,(                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      30                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      30                      )));                                                              text                      (                      " 60°"                      ,(                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      60                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      60                      )));                                                              text                      (                      "90°"                      ,(                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      91                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      90                      )));                                                              text                      (                      "120°"                      ,(                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      123                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      118                      )));                                                              text                      (                      "150°"                      ,(                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      cos                      (                      radians                      (                      160                      )),(                      -                      width                      /                      2                      )                      *                      sin                      (                      radians                      (                      150                      )));                                                                                                      popMatrix                      ();                                                                                                      }                                      


How to Design a Radar Using Processing


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